
Lead Instructors:  Zachary Francis

TAs: Brandon

Time: Jan 10-28, 14:00-15:00

Location: TBD


You can find most of our lecture notes, course materials, code examples etc. in this Dropbox directory.


An introductory course on the fundamental concepts and components of circuits. Topics covered will include an overview of electricity as a concept, components (capacitors, inductors, resistors, etc), and analytical techniques (such as mesh analysis, node analysis, etc). Each lecture will cover a new component, concept, and technique. Class is geared towards giving a background for robotics as well as the geiger lab. 



An introductory course on the physical concepts that go hand in hand with robotics. Topics covered will include motion, linear/angular momentum, energy techniques, and the lagrange equation. Class is oriented towards concepts, but will look at analysis and high level questions. Class is geared towards giving a basis for robotics.



An introductory course on the concepts and ethics behind robotics. Topics covered will include the ethics of robotics, the question of “what is robotics”, small demonstrations and presentations of robotic systems. Class will heavily rely on concepts, but demos and examples will be shown throughout class.

Useful Resources:
  • TBD